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What do Nurse Aide?

A healthcare professional is usually trained and often certified to assist nurses (e.g., in a hospital or nursing home) in the provision of basic patient care and services (e.g., bathing, eating, or taking a patient’s vital signs) to support.


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What does a nursing aide assistant do?

A home care assistant may choose to work with the elderly, adults, or children who are medically infirm, sick, or disabled. With specialized training, they can specialize in working with clients with dementia or a disaster diagnosis. In all cases, successful assistants become a reliable and trusted presence for patients and their families, providing essential care and emotional support while acting as alert and protective eyes and ears for their multidisciplinary healthcare team.
Nursing assistants oversee safety precautions and assist clients with personal and household tasks they cannot handle on their own – from bathing, dressing, and grooming to eating, cooking, meal reminders, and light household chores.

What are the Qualities of a Great Nursing Assistant in Home Care?

When a great nurse works with regular clients, over time, they become their trusted — even loved — confidants, friends, counselors, and cheerleaders. The best home care nurses are gifted with: